Once I had low-fidelity screens and a working prototype complete, I began the first round of user testing. Like
MerchPerch, the first project for the Google UX Design certificate program, many of my participants were recruited from my friends and family. While their biases may have affected the feedback I received, I had access to limited resources for this project. Nonetheless, I believe participants gave me valuable insight on my low-fidelity prototype. The findings from the first round can be seen below.
After the usability study, I revised my design to include solutions to the recently discovered user pain points. I added a check box for users to use the same shipping address for their billing address. Additionally, I added a review section for the item detail screen on both mobile and web designs. Finally, I added the option to change the quantity of the item in the user’s cart. The updated screens can be seen below.
After updating the low-fidelity design, I began working on high fidelity-mockups. Part of this process was creating a color palette which accurately represents the brand of Sunshine Bookstore (fictional). With a neutral cream color as a background color, I chose a mellow yellow and soft green to use as my primary colors. I attempted to use the 60/30/10 rule of color usage when designing my mockups. Additionally, I created a brand logo using Photoshop. Selected screens of these hi-fi screens can be seen below.